Week 1 summary

Thursday, April 2, 2009

As promised, I will be reporting all developments both good and bad at LiquidCap.

Slightly more than a week passed since I launched the idea and the following has been 'achieved':

  • Few blog posts
  • Twitter account with a handful of interested people and a 200+ people who are following me so I follow them back
  • Decision: we will build the Minimum Value Proposition of LiquidCap as a fist step
  • Proposal: Daniel Haran, a real Rails guru and wannabe chocolatier has offered to spec the MVP for LiquidCap
  • Partnership Scheme: Daniel gave me an excellent and intuitive idea for talent-funding compensation, I will blog about this later
  • A one-line description: "marketplace for sweat capital" coined by my other Ruby guru, James Golick
  • Lots of encouragement and informal offers of support both from entrepreneurs and talent

At this stage the concept is still purposely left vague so we can build as feed-back and ideas come in.

Our plans for the coming weeks are:

  1. Enlist a few ideas and talent the old fashioned way (email, blog, twitter, etc)
  2. Build and extremely simple interface interface (an MVP) to achive the above
  3. Solicit more feedback from yo
  4. Answer some fundamental questions about legal, compensation, etc
  5. Look for the following partners for LiquidCap:
  • Web Design
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Programming (Rails please)
  • Legal advisor
  • Startup guru